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Burritos and Bikes

A steep climb for an awesome ride down

by Benjamin Christopher

9:00 AM San Francisco, CA. 


Chris rolls up with John to the secret breakfast burrito spot, in the Vanagon Wagon, with a loaded bike rack.  Our destination; Demonstration Forest, Santa Cruz, CA.  After sustenance and a large cup of coffee, we're headed out of the city, for some much needed wilderness time.

After jumping on the freeway for an hour or so.  We take a really fun, winding mountain road, deep into the woods.  When our cell phone service drops, the first smile of the day creeps out, and I'm stoked to be unreachable, cut off, and away from the city.

We find a nice turn out to park at.  We unload the bikes, pack our camel backs, kick our tires, and after a nip of brandy were started up the climb. 

After what seems like an eternity, we finally reach the top for our first descent.  A ripping, technical trail (named ridge trail and sawpit), with drops and two rock gardens, sets the tone and the ear to ear shit eating grin for the rest of the day.  Once reaching the bottom, we decide that going back up for another run is absolutely necessary.  We take to a trail called, Tractor, to take us back up.  A really steep, non relenting, miserable climb, takes us out of the river bottom.  10 minutes in to this 45 minute climb and the legs are already burning.  Wanting to get off the bike many times, I finally made it to the top, having to walk the last 20 yards. I fall to the ground, and Chris looks at me and says' "Dude, it's about to be worth it.".  He couldn't have been more right.  What was in store for us was a 12 minutes of perfectly groomed flow trail.  The steepest berms if ever ridden.  Every corner was thought out, and set you up for the rest of the trail perfectly.  I decided to bring out the gopro for this run, and was glad I did.  


A beer and a burrito later, and we were on our way home to frantic oblivion. 


Can't wait to go back!


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