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The Dudes and Bros Golf Extravaganza

Founded in 2014, the Dudes and Bros Golf Extravaganza has established itself as the greatest golf tournament in the history of golf tournaments. What started as an 8 man "tournament" grew to 20 participants in 2018 and an even larger field expected in 2019.

2014: The Inaugural Year

The first DaBGE was held on August 3rd of 2014. It was held at Prairiewood Golf Course in Fargo, ND. No one knew what the hell they were doing, so we only had 9 strokes for the handicap. After the first iteration, we decided it should be an annual thing.


The results:


8th Place - Matt B - 96*
7th Place - Wayne B - 91*
6th Place - Brandon B - 89*
5th Place - Justin B - 87
4th Place - James S - 84 
3rd Place - Derek B - 82*
2nd Place - James D - 80*

Champion - Taylor H - 79

2015: Year Two (Expansion of the Handicap System)

The second DaBGE was held on June 27th of 2015. It was held at Prairiewood Golf Course in Fargo, ND and we all just pretty much accepted that the DaBGE would just be at Pwood forever. We expanded the handicap system to 9 strokes(*) and 18 strokes(+), respectively. The field expanded from 8 to 11. Taylor H became the first ever back to back champion, winning the first two years.


The results:

11th Place - Alex H - 96*
10th Place - James D - 92*
9th Place - Justin B - 90*
8th Place - Cody A - 89*
6th Place - Travis P - 86*
6th Place - Chase K - 86+
5th Place - Trevor N - 84*

4th Place - Matt B - 84+

3rd Place - Brandon B - 83+

2nd Place - Wayne B - 79+

Champion - Taylor H - 73


2016: Year Three (Further Expansion of the Handicap System)

The third DaBGE was held on June 25th of 2016. Prairiewood GC again, somehow. We expanded the handicap system again, this time to 9 strokes(*), 18(+), and 27(^) strokes, respectively. The field expanded from 11 to 15. 


The results:

15th Place - Chase K - 99^
14th Place - Derek B - 91*
13th Place - James D - 87+
10th Place - Justin R - 83+
10th Place - Matt B - 83+
10th Place - Trevor N - 83*
8th Place - Justin B - 78*
8th Place - Benjamin C - 78
7th Place - Ryan C - 77*
5th Place - Kevin P - 76^
5th Place - Taylor H - 76
4th Place - Alex H - 71+
3rd Place - Rob A - 69^
2nd Place - Travis P - 69*

Champion - Cody A - 66+


2017: Year Four (The Putt)

The fourth DaBGE was held on June 27th of 2017. Prairiewood GC AGAIN. The handicap system remained the same: 9 strokes(*), 18(+), and 27(^) strokes. The field actually contracted a little, from 15 to 13. Year 4 will live on forever in the history books of DaBGE. On the 18th hole, with everyone standing and watching, Matt B was alerted that he needed one putt to win the tournament outright, 2 to tie. With ice water in his veins, he drained the 12 footer and raised his hat in victory. Truly awe inspiring.


The results:

13th Place - Chase K - 100^
12th Place - Wayne B - 95^
11th Place - Lucas G - 85*

10th Place - Matt S - 85+

9th Place - Ryan C - 80*
8th Place - Jason A - 78*
6th Place - Trevor N - 77*
6th Place - Tony L - 77*
5th Place - Taylor H - 76
4th Place - Travis P - 74
3rd Place - Justin B - 72*
2nd Place - Brandon B - 71^

Champion - Matt Benson - 70^


2018: Year Five (Handicap System Change)

The fifth DaBGE was held on June 9th of 2018. Prairiewood GC. Since PWood is such a short course (par 32), we switched to a different handicap system: 8 strokes(*), 16(+), and 24(^) strokes. The field expanded from 13 to 20, which is obviously the all time most participants in DaBGE history.


The results:

20th Place - Stephan N - 108^

19th Place - Eric I - 100^

18th Place - Cody A - 99*

17th Place - Ray - 93+

16th Place - Lucas G - 91*

15th Place - James D - 90^
14th Place - Trevor N - 86*
13th Place - Matt B - 84+
12th Place - Jarrod L - 82^
11th Place - Justin R - 82*
10th Place - Tony L - 82*
9th Place - Rob A - 82+
8th Place - Benjamin C - 79
7th Place - Travis P - 79
6th Place - Jason A - 76*
5th Place - Taylor H - 75
4th Place - Ryan C - 75+
3rd Place - Corey J - 73
2nd Place - Nick C - 69+

Champion - Justin B - 65*


2019: Year Six (Move to Maple River Golf Course)

The sixth DaBGE will be held on June 8th of 2019. Prairiewood GC is finally being abandoned for Maple River GC. We're switching back to the 9 strokes(*), 18(+), and 27(^) strokes format for the move to a legitimate course. 

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