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But Not Tonight

Trying to explain a tattoo inspired by the greatest song title ever to everyone at once

by Taylor Hruby

Tonight, I listened to my very favorite song title's accompanying music for the first time ever. It's a song title that I've contemplated, very seriously, tattooing on me forever. It's a song title I've been in love with for over a decade. That title is “But Not Tonight” by the band Depeche Mode, but that's not how I knew it when I fell in love with the name.


Not Another Teen Movie came out in 2001. I was 14 and Limewire (or maybe it was Bearshare, who can recall?) was my jam. For whatever reason, while I was downloading songs one day, I came across the “Not Another Teen Movie” soundtrack. I guess I must have enjoyed the movie more than I remember because I looked up the tracklist. It was actually pretty great! But one track caught my eye: "But Not Tonight" by Scott Weiland (singer of Stone Temple Pilots, obviously). I remember instantly thinking that song's title was easily, with 100% certainty, the best song title I had ever read. I couldn't believe how perfect it was. Plus, I was pretty into S.T.P. back then, so I was intrigued. I downloaded it and burned it to a disk immediately.


Sometime down the road, probably after a few KoRn tracks, maybe a Limp Bizkit diddy and more than enough South Park .MP3s, I got to “But Not Tonight” and what do you know, the first 10 seconds were all that worked. So all I got was 10 seconds and the greatest song title ever. If you've ever heard the Weiland version (you'll get your chance soon enough) you know that 10 seconds is not much to go off.


Somehow, even though I'd never heard the song, that title has stuck in my brain for over 10 years. I can't explain it, but I absolutely adore it. It's so god damn versatile! I had never even heard the cover let alone Depeche Mode's recording. I put it off for years because I thought I'd be let down. I couldn't risk ruining something I loved so much. I am totally soft playing my love for that title here. I have kept that title in my mind for TEN YEARS without even hearing the song and I will eventually get it tattoo'd on me. I was 14 when I first read it and am now 27. I have lived half of my life since reading that title. Does that paint a picture of how dumb this scenario is for you? Some of you are nodding, thinking, "Taylor, it's even more dumb that you grasp!" I mean, I get it. It's super crazy, but what can a man do? The heart wants what it wants.


A few days ago, I was thinking a lot about that title at work, so I figured I'd at least look up the lyrics. It was risky. Lyrics are often times integral to my enjoyment. I was absolutely in love with "Cherub Rock" by Smashing Pumpkins... then I looked up the lyrics. "Who wants honey | As long as there's some money | Who wants that honey?"?! I don't know what the hell I thought he was saying all those years ago, but it was sure a hell of a lot better than that! I was afraid I was going to make a similar mistake. I pressed on. Here are the lyrics to "But Not Tonight":




"But Not Tonight" 

by Depeche Mode


Oh God it's raining

But I'm not complaining

It's filling me up with new life

The stars in the sky

Bring tears to my eyes

They're lighting my way tonight


And I haven't felt so alive

In years


Just for a day

On a day like today

I'll get away from this constant debauchery

The wind in my hair

Makes me so aware

How good it is to live tonight


And I haven't felt so alive

In years


The moon

Is shining in the sky

Reminding me

Of so many other nights

But they're not like tonight


Oh God it's raining

And I'm not containing

My pleasure at being so wet

Here on my own

All on my own

How good it feels to be alone tonight


And I haven't felt so alive

In years


The moon

Is shining in the sky

Reminding me

Of so many other nights

When my eyes had been so red

I'd been mistaken for dead

But not tonight




How beautiful is that?! Pretty great, right? I don't know anything about Depeche Mode, but I thought they'd be more depressing. This song is actually pretty uplifting! I particularly enjoyed “The stars in the sky | Bring tears to my eyes | They're lighting my way tonight”, as I've been unnaturally obsessed with the sky lately. I thought about leaving it at that. I got the greatest song title ever out of Depeche Mode already, but now they're giving me some solid lyrics too. Why would I go and be so selfish and listen to the song and potentially mess this up?


I could have just moved on, got my tattoo and lived out my years trying to explain the insanity of the tattoo to random people who would say things like, “wait, what's a Depeche Mode?” or question why I'd want to be associated with them if I didn't like the band or even know the song. I could have moved on and never listened to the track.


But not tonight.


Tonight, I listened to my very favorite song title's accompanying music for the first time ever.

I wish I had some deep thing to say about it, honestly. Hell, that's why I decided to listen to it. To write this article, to share some deep feelings I had towards it, to either confirm my love for it or have the song ruin the title for me forever. But, “I don't hate it”, is all I really feel. I suppose I could even grow to like it after a few listens. The video is god awful, but of course it is. The keys at :53 seconds made me smile. The lyrics were everything I wanted them to be, but it's not like I heard it and fell in love immediately and if you know me, you know I can do that with the greatest of ease. I'm not let down, I can say that. The tattoo is still happening, so that's nice. It wasn't bad enough to derail that plan.


I figured I might as well throw on the Weiland version immediately after to show some respect for the man that brought me here.

20 seconds in and I immediately thought, "Wait, wait. Did this song seriously only last 10 seconds or did I always just skip it right away”? I honestly can't be sure. 14 year old me must have HATED that intro so much. You know that feeling when you are absolutely positive something is the way you remember it, but then you find out that you may be wrong, but you defend it for hours until you have to accept that you made it all up? That could be happening here. I could have just skipped this song every time, never realizing it had the greatest track title in the history of track titles. You've got to remember this was back in the golden age of random CDRs and I never wrote on them, except maybe something dumb like, “The Greatest Songs EVVVVVER!” Anyway, I feel about the same about this version. Not great. Not terrible. Worse than the Depeche Mode version, but I owe this all to Scott Weiland and Not Another Teen Movie, so I can't bring it down too much.


In the end, some of you might question the logic of having “But Not Tonight” tattoo'd on me forever, seeing as how indifferent I am to the song (and the cover). Maybe one of these nights I'll find a better song title, but I doubt it. I already have “A Profound Hatred of Man” tattoo'd on me and that song title's up there, for me, at least. Maybe one of these nights I'll grow up and stop getting tattoos of random, impulsive, hard to explain things on my body. Maybe one of these nights I'll have to explain these dumb things to my child and wonder what the hell I was thinking.


But not tonight.





I originally wrote this a few weeks ago and I'm now sitting in Florida and I have to add something: I'm happy to report I did “grow to like it” after a few listens! I didn't feel much about this song the first time I heard it, but it's certainly been consistently hummed since I heard it. It's now on my phone and I find myself singing it a lot. I really enjoy it. It makes this that much better. Good jam! The Weiland version, on the other hand...

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