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Diary of a Mad Man


by Citely Murphy

Dear Demeter,


Today was a 'blah' day, but, at first, it looked promising. I awoke, like I do everyday, took my meds; brushed my fangs; tamed my overly thick, unruly bed head hair; looking at myself in the mirror, doing my rituals of the mundane life I live. I went to the television and turned on the news where I saw it: “BREAKING NEWS!!!” I gazed up from over bowl of bran flakes out into the horizon of my bourgeoisie furniture, through the heart of my kissing swan lamp. The zombie take over has started to break out across the world. “This is not a drill. Stay inside and await further instructions.” I shrug, going back to my cereal.


I ponder my thoughts of what I shall do today, now that I couldn't leave. So, I cleaned up the place, rearranged it specifically so I don't have to keep seeing the world through a porcelain kissing swan lamp. I go back to my cereal thinking of different. interesting ways to liven the place up. Start fresh. 'Get a new vibe in this bitch!', I thought! Hahaha! It will breathe new life in here, clear my head, maybe start some new rituals! I start sketching out ideas, maybe get a picture or two in here. I know, maybe I'll paint one! No, I'll go on a trip and take a picture of a beautiful land scape and have that memory forever! I'll get so many compliments on it! And have a great story to tell. Hahaha! Perfect! 'Thats what I'll do', I thought proudly to myself.


But Demeter, oh, Demeter, what was I to do with the zombies taking over? Why, damn it, of all days, did it have to happen on the most important day of my life! My life changing picture of a beautiful landscape, a wondrous adventure to start a new! Damn you, cruel world! I slammed my fist and knocked over the cereal blow, spilling it all over. Oh, that reminds me Demeter, I have to clean that up soon.


I stood up and went to my couch, to check the situation of this life ruining day. Well, it seems that with all the zombie-mania movies and games now days, that people were very excited. they jumped at the opportunity to shoot a mindless person along with, other, more devious killing ways. The whole situation was over in about a half an hour, all the zombies were eradicated and the cleaning crews were on their way to the locations. Apparently, it all started out at Skittle factory in Victor City. From what I heard in the press conference, some twit tripped over his own foot and just so happened to hit the button (it's not even the size of a dime!) that let loose an experimental new flavor extract: Funkle Berry Punch. Yes, Demeter, fucking Funkle Berry Punch! This one guy almost ended the damn world!


After I hear the news, I'm elated to get going on my life changing adventure! But after such a catastrophic event today and all of mythinking sure took a lot out of me. I laid sideways on the couch, turned the channel and took a nap. I awoke, rubbed my eyes walked over to the table, lit a cigarette, looking through the porcelain heart shaped kissing swan lamp at some infomercials about 'anti alien thought technology helmets'. They were apparently supposed to stop aliens from scrambling your brains and turning you into the mindless slaves.


I laughed and got up to turn the television off, putting my cigarette out in the still spilt cereal on the table. Damn it, Demeter! Remind me that I still have to clean that up! I shut the television off, grabbed my pen and my smokes and now here I am. So, as you can tell, it was the most insanely boring day, Demeter. Just God awfully boring...


Until tomorrow! Hopefully it will bring something more exciting!


Signing off with blood,


Clive Logan


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