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One Month of PINM!

An arbitrary aniversary for the greatest site ever

by Taylor Hruby

[Editor's Note: I was feeling lazy while posting this, so I looked to google for a picture. If I didn't find one, I was going to make something like this. But I did not make that. Someone actually gave that to their significant other. I'm sure they're into their 10th year of marriage and as happy as ever. God bless 'em.]


I'm going to pretend like I'm your girlfriend from high school for one second, bear with me. 'Oh my god! It's been a month! I love you I love you IloveyouIloveyouloveyouloveyou! It's been one full month and I love you sooooo much!'


See what I did there? It's been a full month of Pretend It's Not Me! Of course, that's not really much of a milestone, but, hell, I'd be lying if I told you I expected to last 30 days. I've spent 30 days trying to get this site to work (that's not true, I've spent much longer than that), trying to make it look less awful (still trying), trying to trick people into visiting it (thank you Saudi Arabia for helping out!), trying to trick people into writing for it (semi successfully) and monitoring it's activity daily (like a maniac). I have enjoyed myself immensely. It seems like most people who have contributed have enjoyed themselves. Some people talk about reading it in public, in front of real, live, other people, which has been awesome.


One very odd thing about the activity of PINM is how often people actually visit. Did I say people? I'm not sure if it's really people or not. 61 people showed up on Sunday. How the hell would that happen? Probably not real. However! 35 showed up on Wednesday and that's really cool. Unfortunately with the random countries visiting for 10 seconds and the ridiculous numbers of random viewers, the numbers don't mean poop. I wish they did, but I'm also in love with the fact that someone from Kenya has visited the site, even though it was an accident or didn't even really happen. I don't know how the internet works.















We have some pretty cool stuff planned for PINM. We're trying to get another Podcast going. Dickie is getting ready for a weekly question that will test everyone's ability to be a grown up and respect each other's opinions. Of course that hinges on the idea that people actually participate, so please participate. We'll try and start out with some softies, but eventually we might talk about real topics. I'm still looking at that 90's music bracket, but March is almost over and we're already in the Sweet 16, so that may have passed. Maybe we'll do an April Absurdity bracket! That does not have a nice ring to it. Wow.


But, as always, what I really need is you to help out. Want to do a podcast? Fire it up! Want to write something? Okay, maybe not history stuff, we have an abundance of history stuff right now. Hahaha. Just kidding! Write some history stuff! I don't care! Just do it. I'd like to mention you can use a pen name or whatever id you'd like. I didn't really anticipate people not wanting their names on stuff, but I can do that for you, if you want. It doesn't matter if it's great, it doesn't matter if it's good, if it makes you happy, you should send it in. Don't let Sheryl Crow down.





















I've been in contact with a few people here and there to try and actually do what I set out to do with this website... I actually have a few interviews lined up! Or as lined up as some jerk like me who doesn't schedule anything can have stuff lined up. Look for interviews with Boots (not the footwear! The band!), Victor Shores (may sound like a person, but is actually, also, a band!) and a few other ones I've been working on setting up. I literally have no idea if I can interview people, but I am super stoked to find out.


I guess, what I really wanted to do here, is thank you. Especially Benjamin Christopher, Wayne Baumbach, Jacob Brock and Steve Syrup. Thank you guys for writing stuff. It means a lot to me. And thank you for reading this, if anyone else is reading this. I know I've been mildly obnoxious since launching this site, but I hope you understand. If not, you're a wiener and we're no longer friends.


Write something! Podcast! Help out!


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