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It's Openly Secular Day!

and I'm coming out of the closet

by Taylor Hruby

Full Disclosure here: My wife asked me not to post this to Facebook. Not because she's ashamed or worried about death threats, but because word has a way of getting back to people and she doesn't want some rando woman telling her folks I'm the antichrist. That's fair, so I'm posting it here. Some of it won't make sense, since it's not actually on Facebook, but I didn't want to change anything. Pretend We're On Facebook, I guess. My intended post: 


Disclaimer: Maybe this isn't important to you, but it is to me, so I'm posting it. If you disagree with anything I say here, please understand that I am not trying to start a conversation about religion, I am merely posting this for me and a few others I won't tag. If this offends you or makes you think less of me, you need to reevaluate what's important in your life. I am not trying to tell anyone how to live, especially through Facebook. If you have any real questions, I'd be happy to answer them. 


Hey! It's "Openly Secular Day", I guess, so I figured I'd say something. I was just going to change my profile picture, but Peter Criss demanded I not [my Facebook profile picture is me in Peter Criss face paint. I am a loser.]. Plus, I'd like to expand a bit. 

I am an atheist. This does not make me a shitty person. My horrible attitude and awful temper make me a shitty person, not my lack of belief in a higher power. 

The fact that atheists and secularists are less trusted than murderers in our society is absolutely terrifying to me, so I figured I should speak up and maybe, hopefully, show you that we're not bad people. Unless you think I'm a bad person, which doesn't seem fair to me, but it's your life.

Most of you know me and know I am a very normal dude. I don't make blood sacrifices or kill people for sport. I like hockey and comics and science and books. I'm not trying to convert you, I'm not trying to destroy God, I'm not trying to shock you. This is who I am. Just a dude with a lack of belief. It's been that way since I can remember. I've always just been a non believing dude. If you don't like me, I assure you it is not because I am a godless heathen, it's probably just because I am an asshole with a big mouth.  

I firmly believe everyone should be proud of who they are, and, more importantly, WHY they are, even if it makes some people in your life uncomfortable, so there it is. I have officially used the "A word" in a post on Facebook [Well, almost...], although I'm reasonably sure most of you already know this about me or had suspicions, but today is the day to tell people what's up. I am now an "out" atheist.  

I love you, guys, seriously. I have had the best fuckin' week ever and the Admiral [My unborn child] is on her/his way and I am just stoked about my life right now (outside of my job). I hope you're happy and everything is going super awesome and I hope all your hopes and dreams come true. And I hope you get cake and your boyfriend or girlfriend rubs up on you like you like and I hope everything is just amazing for you forever. 


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