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Live Blog: Game 2

Into the abyss we go

by Taylor Hruby

[Editor's Note: I am not going to go back and edit this because I want to preserve the pure insanity of the fact that this was a triple OT game and it ended at 1:20 a.m. I want you to feel this whole game the way I felt it, so I'm leaving everything. Also, this post gets a little salty. I try to tone down my language on this site, but I've been known to take hockey too seriously. There is some foul language ahead.]


It's Tuesday and I don't know what to write about tomorrow, but an angel shines from above...




The Blackhawks are down 1-0 in the series. This isn't a “must-win”, in fact, I'm not overly concerned about how this game goes, however, I am 1-0 while writing live blogs, so we're firing this pig up again because it would sure be nice to win one in Anaheim sooner than later. Gotta happen sometime for the Hawks to win the series, obviously.


Get hyped, folks, it's Game 2 of the Western Conference Final between the Hawks and the Ducks. Hopefully this one will be more exciting than the 1-0 Hawks domination we witnessed the last time I live blogged a game.


[pre game] This anthem singer is awful. Just sing the damn song. Although, she looks pregnant and I have a soft spot for pregger chicks right now, so I'll cut her some slack.


[Puck Drop] I hate Brian Engblom. (This is the level of insight you can expect from this blog. That's a heads up if you hadn't read my other live blog.)


Poor David Rundblad. Rundblad started Game 1, was on the ice for two goals against (but also one for) and generally looked kind lost. He played more than Timonen, but less than a useful D-man. What does he get for his struggle? Sat down! Coach Q does not mess around, folks. Kyle Cumiskey slots in. That kid has got to be shitting his pants right now. Good luck, son!


[19:22] Toews wide open solo. Good save, Andersen. Dammit.


[18:15] Maroon is off for boarding. Cool name though. The Hawks PP has been atrocious. Let's see how this goes.


[17:46] Duncan Keith scores!!! My wife and I just screamed “YEAH!” and clapped three times in perfect unison. I don't even know what to say to that, but we're equally excited, apparently. It was spooky. Whoops, looks like Shaw, not Keith. Great deflection.


[16:24] Ducks 3rd line has been huge. Great shift for them there.


[14 something] Stoner with two god awful plays, one after another. Wow. That was about the worst stretch you could have there. Somehow not called for decapitating Andrew Shaw. The NHL continues to be a fucking joke. How is that not 2 penalties? That was horseshit.


[13:41] Hossa says, go fuck yourself, Stoner! 2-0. Maybe that was Richards' goal. The Hawks aren't helping me out here. They're making it really hard to type these plays out. Looks like it was Hossa's, but he hit it on the goal line. All of that was thanks to Richard's shot. Turns out, Hossa actually hit it OUT of the net, but it hits Depres' stick and goes in. Amazing.


[10:32] A centering attempt goes in on one of the ugliest goals you'll see all year and it's 2-1. Hits off Bickell's leg. After Cogliano's skate. Playoff hockey is dumb.


Bruce Bodreau just said the Hawks are “getting inside of us”. Hell yeah they are, Bruce.


Also, we have officially reached “boo everything that happens to involve the refs” mode, even though both penalties were clear penalties. Don't ever change, NHL fans.


[4:55] Huge hit on Timonen. Damn, son. He's too old for that!


[3:03] Crawford falls down and almost let in a softy. Almost in off Vermette. Lots of dumb little bounces for the Ducks already.


[1:52] An icing for the Hawks after an amazing shift for the Ducks. They've been in the zone since the last thing I typed. Just an awesome shift. Hawks waste a timeout in the 1st period. Usually not a huge deal, but could come back to haunt them.


Brian Engblom just said this is how Ducks coach Bruce Bodreau “wants his team to play” after a dominant shift. He gets paid money to say these things to grown ups. Incredible.


[1:35] A puck hits the linesman and stops a Hawks breakaway. Puck then goes right to Getzlaf and he clanks one off the pipe. Holy balls.


[Horn] Boring ending to the first. Kesler was talking shit to Toews after a whistle, which is hilarious. It's like James Harden talking shit to Steph Curry. Except, you know, Harden is actually the best player on his team. It's more like Josh Smith talking shit. You were good for a bad team, then you were good for a good team, now you're “good” for a good team. But you're secretly depth, Ryan.You should be talking shit to Andrew Shaw. That's your weight class now. Toews is so far out of your league it's almost scary.


We're back to hockey after a quick flip over to the Warriors vs Rockets game. I love Steph Curry. I was a big Chris Mullin fan because of NBA Live 95, so I feel like I can safely have one foot on that bandwagon.


[18:05] Scrambles! The puck was loose in front of Andersen, but no one could get a stick on it.


[16:52] The Hawks were just in the Ducks zone until now. At least a full minute of pressure. I love it. Playoff hockey is so fun!


[15:46] Crawford makes his first save of the period. He scares me more when he doesn't see the puck often.


[14:34] Oduya turnover leads to a Kesler backhand. Scary turnover. Kesler hasn't had a goal in 15 games against the Hawks. Couple that with me talking shit about him and I'd say he's due for a hat trick tonight.


At the whistle, Corey Perry took Hossa's stick. The announcer just used the words “intimidation” to describe this action. This is the NHL now. You used to intimidate people with hits and fights, now you take their stick and gently set it down.


[9:54] TV timeout. Entertaining, yet scrambly since the last time we talked. Not much to talk about, but not due to boredom. Someone is scoring a goal before this period is over. I'm going with Vermette. Why? No idea. He hasn't done anything offensively since becoming a Hawk. But I'm picking him.


[8:26] Great save by Crawford. Holy poop.


[8:01] Sharp with a lazy trip at the red line. More of an unfortunate trip than malicious one, but a trip is a trip is a trip is a trip. PP for the Ducks.


[6:01] Penalty killed! Nothing too scary there.


[4:09] An announcer just said “this game changed when the Ducks scored their goal”. Analysis! All Ducks here.


[3:12] Great save by Crawford. He comes out to play the puck, Sekac hit him after the whistle for some reason. Crawford initiated it, actually. Pardon me. Engblom talks about Crawford being “fair game” because he is an idiot and has no recollection of the NHL saying the exact opposite when Lucic tried to kill Ryan Miller.

[2:30] All Ducks and we've got a goal. 2-2. Perry with an insane redirection. No one saves that.


[1:22] Duncan Keith takes a fucking terrible cross checking penalty. Hooray. Just an absolutely awful play. I'd imagine are getting another Ducks goal here.


Perry centers a beautiful pass to Vatanen and he handles it like a grenade. That would have been in the back of the net.


[17.1] Silfverberg bear hugs Kruger on an odd man rush and we're at 4 on 4. Great play by Saad to make that an odd man rush and force Silfverberg to make a decision. Silfverberg is how to spell his name in real life.


[Horn] Hawks played horribly that period and are lucky they only gave up on goal. Going to be an interesting 3rd. I might disappear at times because I am terrifyingly into hockey games, but I promise to try and stay with you because I know how much fun you are having. Right? Right?!


Golden State is winning 84 to 79. That's fun, I suppose. This crowd is way more into the game than the Anaheim crowd, so that's fun.


We're back to hockey. The NBA does nothing for me.


[19:34] Getzlaf takes down Saad and it's 4 on 3. This is a bit large. 1:12 on 5 on 3 after the Hawks refuse to shoot on the 4 on 3.


[18:23] Kane finally shoots one. Easy glove save. 7 seconds left on the 5 on 3.


[17:30] No goals, three shots. Awful. This could be Anaheim's game now. You kill off a 5 on 3 and you have momentum coming out of your ass.


[16:22] Too many men on the ice for the Hawks. Hi---larry---us. Dreadful play. They were second in the league all year with 13 too many men penalties this season. This is not a stat you want to be second in.


[15:59] The NHL continues to try and make Fall Out Boy a band that people enjoy. Light a mup, mup, mup, light a mup, mup, mup.


[14:22] Penalty killed. 2 shots.


[10:46] Icing for the Ducks. Goodness. This is getting kind of intense.


[10:30] 3 consecutive icings. Feel the excitement!!


[9:50] My wife is talking shit about Bickell. He gets the puck... skates in... misses the puck. Fans on it completely.


[7:29] A puck rolls right by Kruger, who would have had a wide open net.


Flipped over to basketball. Trevor Ariza just made a 3 to make it 106 to 108 with 14 seconds left. Holy balls! Steph Curry makes a free throw attempt (we're on a commercial break in Anaheim) and also makes the second one.


[5:55] Kesler with a great shot. Big save.


[4:57] Markus Kruger just took the worst holding call ever. Just wrapped up a Duck like a Snuggie. Spun Vatanen all the way around in the offensive zone. Fuck. (The Warriors won. Huge Warriors fan)


[3:42] Getzlaf just missed the net with a laser beam.


[2:42] Killed. 1 shot.


[1.1 seconds] Hjarlmarrson fires an icing for no reason. All he had to do was just stand there.


And Crawford had to make a save. Of course he did.


We're headed to OT. Playoff OT sucks. It's emotionally draining. Also, it's 10:50 pm right now because we're in Anaheim, so it's keeping me up late, too! The Hawks love playoff hockey. They've had devastating loses (I'm looking at you, Campoli!) and awesome wins. Let's look at a few awesome wins to get myself in a better state of mind.


Seabrook wins the series against the Wings in 2013. The Hawks went on to win the Cup:

Seabrook beats Rinne in the THIRD OVERTIME earlier this year:

But there's only one Hawks OT goal that needs to be talked about. The biggest goal I've ever witnessed. Also, the worst ending to any gigantic hockey game ever, from an outsider's perspective:

Listen to that call! That's one of the greatest announcers out there and that call is GOD AWFUL! No one knows what the hell is going on. I was standing in my tiny apartment in Moorhead amidst a year long severe depression looking for anything to bring me joy. I got my joy, but look at how awful that ending was! The Hawks first Cup in 40 years and it's like that. What the hell?


Anaheim sound guy is playing Nickelback before OT. They deserve to lose.


I am nervous.


[19:30] Crawford holds a puck behind the net, banks it off a Duck, has to make a save. Jesus.


[17:34] Seabrook winds up, misses the net, but the Ducks miss on a stretch pass for icing.


[15:32] A puck just rolled through Crawford's crease.


[14:32] Andersen makes a weak save. No commercials in OT. I am nervous. Shots are 3 to 3.


[14:06] Seabrook with an awful icing.


[11:59] A puck takes a big hop, Kane takes a swing at it, but misses it. It slides gently into Andersen. Engblom reminds us it wouldn't have counted if Kane had kicked it in.


Sharp and Teuvo have a 2 on 1. Andersen makes the save.


[9:47] Perry just hit the post.


How long can you hold your breath? I feel like it's been a half an hour or so for me.


[9:32] Faceoff in the Hawks zone. Not good. Hawks win the draw, but Shaw can't clear it and Hjalmarsson takes a trip. He kills penalties very well. Tough to do that from the box. Welp, folks...


[8:42] Vatenen post.


K I L L E D. 1 shot.


[6:16] Vermette just had a RIP, but Andersen makes the save.


[6:10] Icing Hawks. Can't type that too many more times before it comes back to ruin everything.


[5:01] Icing Ducks.


[3:33] Puck's out of play. I can't sit still. Or breathe. Or ty4wterope. Typeretw type. Type.


[2:55] Hawks icing.


We're headed to double OT. Towards the end of the period, Perry ran into Crawford, then Crawford didn't have a stick and shit got very scrambly.


I am Jack's terrified hockey brain.


I set up a camera to capture my reactions to this insanity. This will probably end terribly. Here we go.


[19:37] Wrap around Crawford makes the save.


[18:20] Andersen stops Shaw on the best chance for the Hawks in a long time.


[16:51] Big save Crawford. Almost gave up a rebound.


[15:14] Andersen with a save on a quick turnaround shot from Tuevo.


[14:55] Andersen saves a Bickell breakaway. I thought that was it. Just barely hit his shoulder.


[14:35] Sharp with a weak wrister. Easy save.


[14:15] Scramble. So close to ending.


Ducks hit some posts. Crawford makes some saves. Scrambles. Fuck.


[11:49] Refs miss a too many men call on the Ducks. WAIT! THEY CALL IT! HUGE POWERPLAY!




HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But wait. And now they say no goal. Holy fuck.


He purposely headbutted it in and they say you can't do that. This is insanity.


Crawford with two H U G E saves. I have lost track of everything in the world.


[6:21] Crawford saves one. The clock stops. My heart is out of control.


100 shots on goal.


[4:00] Ducks icing.


[1:30] Perry just wide or something. I don't even know anymore. My life is in shambles.


[58.5] Andersen with two incredible saves. This game will not end.


The second OT just ended. What. The. Fuck. is happening in this world right now?

202 shots attempted. Holy moly. We begin.


Ducks almost score 5 seconds in.


Crawford's done. He's flailing. Hawks need to finish this immediately.


[18:29] Ducks icing.


[17:54] Some amazing chances for the Hawks. Another icing for the Ducks.


[15:33] Hampus Lindholm just blocked a shot. His name is Hampus.


[14:46] Andersen with a beautiful glove save on Tuevo.


[12:53] Kesler tackles Toews. No call. This is the playoffs. Icing Ducks.


[11:11] Icing Hawks after Toews is interfered with. Two players were wrestling on the ice earlier. No calls here, folks.


[9:48] Hawks ice it. The whole team is dead. We get an ice scrape because the rules are the rules. But they're still going to be dead. This is scary. Crawford's on a knee. Everyone is leaning on the boards. This is awful.


[6:53] Hossa misses the net and Andersen pushes his net off the moorings.


[5:22] Hawks ice it. Officially the longest game in Blackhawks history now.


[5:02] No clue how that didn't go in. Seabrook broke it up. Holy shit is that a big play.










The Hawks hadn't scored in 109:53... and they won.


Here is my wandering through insanity, in video form. I hope you enjoy it.

I love you so much for reading this. You're all beautiful. I have to wake up in 4 hours and my heart is exploding. I love you so much. GET FUCKING PUMPED! We're tied 1 – 1!

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