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Another Damn Grab Bag

The well is dry

by Taylor Hruby

Man, I would fight Brock Lesnar for an idea for an article right now. I suppose that's sort of self defeating because my fighting Brock Lesnar just to try and find an idea for a story is, in fact, a great story. Perhaps I should fight someone. Definitely not someone as big as Brock though.


I've been constantly racking my brain about stuff to write about for this site. I've had two things, written by two contributors, on my computer for far too long [AND THEY'VE BEEN POSTED TODAY!]. But I have this odd thing where, if I'm going to post something of someone else's, I would like to post something of mine, too. It all goes back to the start of this site where I couldn't bare to not write something every week. It bothered me if there wasn't something new up on PINM and it really bothered me if I didn't write it. But what made me even more paranoid was posting something written by someone else NOT accompanied by something I wrote. I felt like I was slacking.


Now, here we are, and a month without PINM has come and gone. I miss it terribly, but my proverbial well has run dry. I have written about some pretty sensitive things and I wrote some stuff that was about as deep as a thimble. I've done a lot of stuff since then, too. Seen some good movies; played some good games; watched some good stuff; heard some good albums; started playing competitive hockey; oh and had a god damn child, but nothing really compelled me to write. Well, that's not entirely true. I sat down to write stuff, but, holy jesus, was it bad.


I started writing about how much I DIDN'T change after having my daughter. Which, I suppose is true, but I also felt things I have never felt before the second I saw her, so I guess I have changed in some ways. I started a Madden 16 season, with the intention of writing about it here, but I played 2 more games and forgot to keep track of any of the stats. Sure, I could go back and look at the stats, but what fun is an article like this:


“We won.


Manziel threw for sdfsdhjkufdhga

and the other guy threw for sfaghsfgads


Thanks for reading!”


Not very fun. That's the answer.


I watched 'Making A Murderer' on Netflix, but I am no legal expert and you can't swing a dead (burnt) cat without hitting a Steven Avery think piece right now. (Did you catch that cat joke? That was my best work in months) I've been playing a ton of Rock Band 4, but what fun is a “I just hit 100% of the notes in 'Fever' by The Black Keys” article? Again, nothing is working.


I've been listening to a new band the last few days, Saint Hotel, and they're good. Not great, but super duper catchy. The Black Dahlia Murder came out with a new album and I can't get into it. Miles Away released a new album as well, but I also can't get into that much either. There is a punk band from Canada called Crusades and they released an album called “The Sun has Gone Down and the Night is Riding In”, but that was released years ago. It's excellent though. Check it out.


Also, it was lovingly suggested that we baptize my daughter and we decided, 'Sure! That does sound like fun!' But that's a whole big story that I won't get into here. Ask me in person and you'll hear more shit than you've ever wanted to hear. But I must say, while sitting here, lamenting the way that bullshit went down, I googled “what does the bible say about baptism?” Being a non believer, I was mildly curious. Turns out, it's pretty universally for it. Who knew? However, while I was smashing my keyboard like a Neanderthal (just kidding. Neanderthals weren't a thing and evolution is a lie!) to reach this search, I accidentally typed “what does the bible say about VAP” I stopped, went to hit “delete” and finish my inquiry, when I saw it.

What does the bible say about VAPING. “Oh, yeah! There's totes a God! He's infallible, the creator of all things, He is the light, the way, the truth [I have no idea if that's how that goes]. But, I do have to warn you, He gets SUPER pissed about vaping. It's the craziest thing! He sees you when you're sleeping, He knows when you're awake, He knows if you've been bad or good, so you better not use that vape!”


I am patiently awaiting the end of the world, but the sooner the better.


Oh and I'm unemployed because I was supposed to take a test and I haven't, but I am tomorrow. Once, it was delayed by the company, once it was delayed by me. I'm just sitting around, studying. It's the worst. I have hidden all this down here, by the way. This is the meat, but stuff I won't be talking about much on here, due to various reasons. I hope you'll understand.


The biggest reason nothing is getting written, is, I suppose, is how preoccupied I've become with feedback and interaction with PINM. I started PINM for fun, but when I write something or someone else writes something, we work hard on it. Then it feels like most people probably see it as more of a Facebook nuisance than seeing it for the work we've put in. Or maybe they don't. Maybe they read it all and just don't have anything to say about it. Maybe they read it all even though they don't think any of it is exceptional. I honestly have no clue and that's part of my main issue with PINM. Even if everyone thought everything on here sucked, I'd prefer to hear about it so we could get better.


As it stands, we just write stuff for … ourselves? I'm not even sure that the other writers have read everything on here, honestly. It's been a wild trip and a lot of things have happened that I didn't expect, but becoming consumed with people's opinions on here has definitely been the weirdest. Before PINM, I didn't care about people's opinions at all. Now I hate all of my Facebook friends for liking pictures of fucking cats and spreading that on my “wall”, but not taking a second to like a PINM post that could spread it. I see my Facebook friends falling for “Click Like if you AGREE” and I wonder why I don't try and exploit that shit too. The internet is awful, man.


So that's about it. If you managed to make it through this, thanks. If you want to write something, we're still open for business. I plan on getting something going a little more consistently even if it kills me. PINM ain't dead, but it sure ain't thriving.

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