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Ahh, yes.  Today is my Monday.  And it happens to be Wednesday.  Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever had my Monday be Monday.  I’ve always worked at least one day out of the weekend.  Even when I had a job that didn’t operate on the weekends I had another part time job that sucked up one of those days.  Maybe one day that’ll work out for me.  I probably wouldn’t know what to do.  


Wait, where was I going with this?  


No, I, like most of the world, relish in the thought of my weekend.  It’s the ever present proverbial, 'carrot on the end of the stick’.  But, with every weekend comes the harsh realization that Monday will soon follow.  Today is no exception.  Even now, I am sitting in bed writing this with a cup of coffee trying to pretend like I don’t have to ride to work in an hour.  Add to this the fact that I have a dull headache, and I kind of just don’t want to ‘adult’ today.


I’ve been thinking about how I approach my Mondays.  Actually, lets back up a bit farther than that.  Lately, I’ve been concerned with the thought that, rushing through the week to just make it to the weekend, only to have the two days off fly by.  Just so I can get to Monday and do it all over again.  It doesn’t seem like a pragmatic way to live, really.  I’ve found myself doing this repeatedly and then, boom, a month has gone by and I come to the realization of, “shit, I didn’t really accomplish much on that one, huh?”.  This is no way to live, people!  It could be argued that work is obviously not stimulating enough, or that I’m just over my job.  However, this isn’t the case at all.  Work is insanely fun, and we have a really good thing going there.  I’m starting to realize, that how this is going is relying heavily on perception of time.  And what I try to do with it.  Somewhere along the way, I painted weekends as the only time I can get things accomplished.  Or that I had enough time to get something significant accomplished.  Weekdays became, work, then home time.  Not much time for friends, music, writing, errands, and whatever else.  And I think that has had something to do with how I approach day one of the work week.


So, as stated earlier.  I have been thinking about how I want to approach Monday.  I have fallen into the ‘Monday is day one’ train of thought, and I want to change that.  Instead of Monday is the beginning, and the weekend is the end.  I want to try and approach it as, Monday is just the first day after a couple of day where I have more time to do things than the rest of the week.  I think the goal here is to get more accomplished on a day to day basis, so that I’m making the most of every day and not letting things pile up for the weekend.  If I can actually make the weekend a weekend, and have everything accomplished already, Monday won’t seem so daunting.  And I’m not talking about working at home, or letting work tasks pile up over the weekend.  Thats just silly, get your work done at work.  You don’t get paid when you’re not at work.  I’m talking about doing the things you love, your hobbies, friend hangs, seeing a movie, grabbing a cocktail with someone, etc.  I think if I can get  myself into a habit of doing more rad things during the week, I won’t feel as if I have to accomplish all of them on the weekend.  Leaving me feeling like poop for Monday because, I either did too much on the weekend, or not enough and I have to wait an entire week to have a chance at it again.  


So, get something rad accomplished today.  I already did!  I wrote a drum part for a new song, and I did it in the morning, before work.  I still have time for more radness all day, and after work.  Don’t let Monday be a downer for you anymore.  I am certainly going to start looking forward to mine as an opportunity to get rad! 

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