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Like the rest of the working class folks, I relish in the thought that Friday is nigh, and that the weekend will bring anything but work. My “Friday” happens to be Sunday, landing my “weekends” on Mon/Tues, which is where this story begins. A very good friend of mine has decided to move to Portland to pursue his career at another location. Can’t blame him either. In his line of work and his personality, he’ll be killing it in no time there. So, as it were, I decided this weekend I needed to go get some homie time in before he takes off to his new adventure. Pack the car kids, we’re heading to Sacramento!


Sacto is cool, I lived there for seven years and just like everyone I know that has lived there, I had a love hate relationship with it. Yet, now that I've moved away, all I can do is miss the shit out of it. So, this was looking to be a fun trip from the start. Add into the mix that its Sacramento beer week and all kinds of shenanigans would be afoot. It’s now Sunday night, I’ve clocked out from work, a tall can has been cracked for good measure and its just a matter of the lady picking up a friend and I, so the road trip can begin. We arrive, head to the Old Tavern and order up the finest glass of High Life in the joint. We eagerly await the arrival of our friend, and finally he’s here! The normal bout of bro-down hugs and shit talking ensues over many libations. We all catch up, share the current events in our lives, relive stories from days past, so on and so on. At some point in the night we decide that we need to have some food if this is going to continue.


Now, for me, being a vegan, going out and about in a city other than San Francisco, usually requires a little bit of planning as far as food goes. With bars being the only option for food at this ungodly hour, I’m usually shit out of luck. An order of french fries is usually the sustenance of choice, so I stick to what I know. Food is ordered and delivered. A bountiful harvest of freedom fries, onion rings, and... potato boats?! Wait, wait, potato boats. God dammit, I can’t eat those. In fact, the potato is the only part of this concoction that I can eat. But, sweet baby jesus do they look good! As usual, I stick to my fries and onion rings. But, the thought of these wonderful, simple, delicious nuggets of badassery, stuck with me for the next hour or so. It is at this point, I realize, that I can totally vegan ninja these in my own kitchen at home. And thats exactly what I did last night.


I give you: 'Benny’s vegan potato boat recipe’:




  • Brown or white potatoes work well. Qty is subjective, pending how many people you’re feeding.

  • Earth Balance butter.

  • Chives

  • Green Onion

  • Salt & Pepper

  • Toffutti Sour Cream

  • Daya Cheddar Cheese

  • Vegan Bacon, any will do.


Step one - Preheat oven to 400, poke your potatoes with a fork several times and pop those bad boys in for around 50 mins. Check to make sure they’re cooked all the way through. If so proceed to step two, if not throw them back in until done.


Step two - Reset your oven to broil. While its readjusting, proceed to cut the potatoes in half. Then ball out the center with a spoon. Leaving about a 1/4” of potato on all sides. (pro tip: save the left over centers the next morning. Pan fry them in butter, onion, chives, toss them on a plate with some hot sauce, and you have a baller breakfast side.)


Step three - Melt butter in the microwave, usually a couple tablespoons, until its completely liquid. Brush the insides of the potatoes with the butter, salt and pepper to taste. Place them on a sheet and back in the over for 2/3 mins until the butter starts to bubble and brown. Remove and repeat on the skin side.


Step four - Start cooking your bacon while prepping the onions and chives. Vegan bacon takes only a min or two to cook, so its not super important to start it early. Dice your onions and chives. Toss the onions in with the bacon to heat them up a bit if your feeling saucy.


Step five - add the daya cheese to taste, onions, chives and chopped bacon inside your boats. Place them back in the oven one last time to melt the cheese. Remove, add sour cream, and Voila!!!


Step six - Enjoy

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